WoodHaven Elite Three Pack


New 2021

Contains the new Hyper Hammer, Bladed V, and Chisel Cutter Mouth Calls

Read Descriptions of each included mouth call at MORE INFO

6 in stock


Pack Includes:

WH330   Hyper Hammer 

The “Hyper Hammer” designed by WoodHaven’s Mike Pentecost is a 3 reed call (top Ninja Red over two proph reeds).  The “Hyper Hammer” is designed with a brand new combination of cuts featuring both a “Ghost Cut” and a “Hammer Cut” which offer an incredible turkey sound.  This call will produce those raspy yelps of an old hen, as well as those high-pitched kee kee runs of a lost turkey.  The Ninja Red latex is very user friendly to blow while still offering lots of backbone in the call.  From hard, crisp cutting, yelping, and whistling to those soft clucks, purrs, and whines…the “Hyper Hammer” offers today’s turkey hunter its very own unique blend of turkey tone and sound.

WH331  Bladed V   

Grand National Calling Champion, Scott Ellis, has once again teamed up with WoodHaven to introduce his new “Bladed V” Signature Call.  The “Blade V” is a three reed call (black top over two reeds of natural).  The thickness and side stretch, coupled with the very unique V cut allows the caller to obtain a very distinct high low, two note yelp with a raspy back end. The “Bladed V” Signature Call by Scott Ellis will cut and cackle, as well as purr and bubble cluck with super realism. 

WH332   Chisel Cutter 
Grand National and World Calling Champion, Billy Yargus, has once again teamed up with WoodHaven to introduce his new “Chisel Cutter” Signature Call. The “Chisel Cutter” is a three reed call (top Ninja Red over two proph reeds) that features a “Cutter/Hammer Combo” style cut in opposite corners.  The “Chisel Cutter” is extremely easy to blow with great versatility. The can create very clear front-end yelps with the ability to roll over into good raspy yelps.   The Chisel Cutter Signature Call by Billy Yargus is a great overall call for yelping, cutting, cackles, kee kee’s, and cluck ‘n purrs


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