Ray Eye’s Turkey Hunter’s Bible with FREE DVD



BOOK PLUS DVD Instructional DVD includes info about: Cycle seasonality of turkeys, Real Hen Vocalization, Scouting, Locating and Roosting, How to Use Turkey Calls, Set Ups in Timber or Hunting Fields, Guns, Loads, How to Aim and Pattern, plus more informative topics. Hardcover 226 pages.

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Ray Eye’s Turkey Hunter’s Bible book is solid hunting advice from the world’s most famous turkey hunter…Legendary turkey hunter Ray Eye provides all of the information you need to know to successfully hunt wild turkeys across the country: how to scout, how and when to call, special tactics for the early season, how to hunt pressured turkeys, how to hunt heavy timber or open fields, and much, much more. Told in Ray’s down-home and direct manner, the book not only informs, but entertains as well. There’s also a bonus storytelling section that will have you laughing in stitches as you read of some of Ray’s more ponderous exploits.

About the Author:  Ray Eye is the most famous turkey hunter in the world. With more than forty-five years of turkey-hunting experience, he has a huge following across the United States. With his own website, turkey hunting blog (on OutdoorLife.com), his own television and radio shows, plus Chasing Spring DVD’s, Eye’s name is synonymous with turkey hunting.


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