Kicks 12 Ga. Brn Inv. Plus, Win. Super X2&X3, SXP 12 Ga. .675


Fits Brn Inv. Plus, Win. Super X2, X3, SXP 12 ga. Shotguns. Kicks recommends  .675 constriction for 3.5″ shell, #6 shot or 3″ shell, #5 shot.

Precision machined from a solid block of 17-4 PH grade stainless steel for stability & strength.

With the right combination of shell, pellet & choke constriction, dependably delivers a 14 – 16″ pattern at 40 yards.

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For use with lead, copper, and buffered hybrid loads. 

Features a unique conical/parallel internal design and Kicks exclusive outward angled diagonal ports, improving pattern density by up to 20%. The extended ported section also makes follow up shots faster and more accurate by reducing recoil and muzzle jump.

Does not fit Standard Browning Invector Choke System.


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